Message from the President & COO… I am reaching out to sharewhat we are doing at ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust to minimize any business disruption for your trust accounts as it relates to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.We understand you may have questions regarding how we as a company will continue to serve you.
ClearPoint has a thorough Business Continuity Plan with Pandemic testing that outlines actions regarding employee safety and continuity of our operations. We regularly review this plan and annually conducttests to ensure our systems will perform without major interruption in the event of a crisis. We are prepared to implement any and all facets of the plan in the event the need arises.
Our team is currentlyreporting to the office; however, we are prepared for our staff to work from homein the event a change of action is required.
We arerestricting non-essential business travel through the end of the month and will continue to conduct meetings and reviews via phone or video conference.
The health and safety of our colleagues and clients remains a top priority.We will continue to monitor this evolvingsituation and make changes as needed to protect you and our employees.
At ClearPointwe are most appreciative of modern technology, our dedicated team, and our understanding customers. I thank you foryour continued trust, and encourage you to contact us if you haveany specific questions or concerns.
Ashlee Theising
President & COO